A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother PR 18:24

Thursday, September 15, 2005

因我自己知道我為你們所定的計劃,是使你們得平安,而不是遭受災禍的計劃;要賜給你們美好的前程和盼望。’這是耶和華的宣告。耶 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. JER 29:11

我信主之後, 一切都很不如意。生命裡面充滿了坎坷及失望。沒信主之前,我還有一些朋友, 當然那些所謂的朋友都不是很好。信主之後, 我決定離開他們,決定全心跟隨主。但怎知道信主之後幾乎一個朋友都沒有。我參加的教會彼此關心得很少。好像每個人都很忙於自己的事情, 我覺得非常的孤單。生命裡面也有很多的掙扎。有時真想有人幫助一下。有一個晚上,我就跪在神的面前, 跟他傾訴心中的苦水。突然間, 神用一個很大的聲音跟我講, 好像怕我聽不見一樣, 他跟我用英文說:For I know my plan to you, plan to prosper you , not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future. 那時神的話深觸我的心。我心中很憂傷, 因為我好像覺得神一直想要害我一樣, 原來他有一個好的計劃給我, 我生命中經歷的事情都是在他的計劃裡面。感謝天父的愛。真覺得他是用心良苦!! 朋友, 創造宇宙萬物的神他有一個美好的計要給你,他的計劃是要給你有美好的盼望及前程 ! 我們真應該信靠他, 不是嗎 ?? 他是我們的慈父。

Several years ago , One night I was very upset with many things. I found I have laid down everything to follow Jesus, yet my life is still full of struggle and loneliness. The church I attended show little concern to me and it seems they are all very busy. Before knowing Jesus , I had some friends, but they were all those bad company. After knowing Jesus , I left them and would like to follow Jesus wholeheartedly . But out of my expectation, I found no friends in church . One night, I brought all my complaints to the Lord, and told him all my difficulties, and suddently the Lord spoke to me in a loud voice. He said : for I know my plan to you, plan to prosper you, not to harm you, plan to give you hope and future. I was very grieved with His words, because I always thought all what He have been doing is harmful to me . and I am very glad He has got a good plan to me, plan to give me a future, praise the Lord Friends, the Lord also has a plan to you, His plan is to prosper you and not to harm you, and give you hope and a future, why not trust in Him … He is a loving Father. He loves you . Joshua

Sunday, September 11, 2005

PHP 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

On Sept. I saw there were some tanks on a battle field, and I saw there were some soldiers with uniform and some special caps on the head. I asked the Lord the meaning. The Lord told me our battle field was not outside, but on our mind. If we lost the battle on our mind, then we will lose the whole battle . So what should we do with our mind since it is so important. The Lord says we should think about what is true, noble,right.... Did you think about these things as the instruction of God's word. If not, would you ask Holy Spirit direct your mind to think about these good thinks? Holy Spirit, would you please direct our minds to...

弟兄們、我還有未盡的話.凡是真實的、可敬的、公義的、清潔的、可愛的、有美名的.若有甚麼德行、若有甚麼稱讚、這些事你們都要思念。 腓4:8
在九月十一號,教會敬拜之後,我看到一幅圖畫,在一個戰場裡面,有坦克,也有穿軍服戴頭盔的士兵在那裡。我問神什麼意思,他告訴我:我們爭戰的戰場不是在外面,而是在我們的思想裡面。如果我們在思想裡面打敗仗,那我們整個戰場都會輸掉。基督徒的生活是在一場戰場裡面,我們面對激烈的屬靈爭戰。魔鬼整天都想打垮我們。所以我們要思想那些好的,象神在腓4:8 裡面所說的。天父,祈求聖靈引導我們思想一些好的,思想那些真實的, 可敬的,公義的…. 奉耶穌的名禱告 , 阿門 !

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Sept. 09,05 在夜晚,Teresa 的工作坊裡,神跟我說了下面這些話:

我希望你生命中有喜樂, 而不是憂愁。 你原本是一個喜樂的人, 我希望你生命是美好的。要常到我面前, 我寶座前與我交談。我喜悅你來我面前與我交談。象父子, 象朋友。不要恐懼來我面前,不要懼怕我。我是你的父親, 愛你, 珍惜你,想擁抱你, 我不會離棄你。你是我愛子, 我所喜悅的。

我愛你, 想對你說我愛你, 愛你, 愛你。要相信我的話,別懷疑,來 來我面前。來被我擁抱你, 被我愛你。不要怕, 不要怕,不要怕。 來,不要擔憂, 不要擔憂..../

Friday, September 02, 2005

The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,shining ever brighter till the full light of day. PR 4:18
I was raised up in a very broken family, so broken that I think it cant be broken any more . From my childhood , my parents always quarreled with each other and fought each other. When they fought each other, my father was very violent and will destroy nearly everything in my house. Sometimes my parents will threaten to commit suicide . It was really a disaster to live in this kind of family .From Childhood we had little joy in my house . Sometimes my father would beat me even I committed no mistakes . I remember once he held a knife and would like to kill me . Once when we had dinner , I said one word and he threw away the whole table. From my childhood, I feared him very much and kept a distance with him . But As I became an adult , I know from my heart that he has been loving me very much . But at that time I just couldn't feel it.

My mom disliked me , I can see from her eyes. I could sensed she didn't like me to come to this world . After I believed in Jesus Lord one day I was moved by Holy Spirit and asked her if she would like to abort me when she conceived me . She said yes, because her relationship with my father was so terrible and she would like to leave my father. But since I was conceived, she couldn’t leave my father. So she was really hope I wont come to this world. My mom didn’t treat me well. She always beat me too. I remember sometimes she would drive me out of my house and I had to sleep near the place for pig. Plus something else, in my heart I had a lot of hatred and anger to my parents. When I was a child I always hope I was picked up from somewhere to this family .

Since my father was quite weak in his character, the people living in my village didn't respect us , they always bullied us. I always felt very lonely and didn't have any company when I was a child. People around me always tried to tease me or mock me . I was very angry with them and had more hatred inside my heart . Inside my heart I longed for love. I considered Love was the most important thing for me in this world at that time . I can trade your love with anything I had . Besides, I had a very negative attitude to life. I thought life was meaningless and full of struggle .

After I graduated from university , I came to Hongkong with my mother. Life in Hongkong was not easy for me as a new comer at that time Once I passed by a church and outside there was a verse: MT 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. I was deeply touched by this verse because I felt I was really burdened. I entered to this church and talked with a person there, she taught me a lot of things but none of them I understood. Later I found a company and my colleague brought me to this church. The brothers and sisters treated me very good. But I found very bored being there. I didn’t know how to pray. When it was my turn to pray I would be very fearful. I didn't know the meaning of bible. I thought it was the most boring book in this world. What I loved was reading the novels concerning martial arts, I can read the whole night without sleeping.

Later I told them I felt bored and never came to church again . Then I left that church for one year. During this year I made some friends who were not believers and I was hurt and disappointed with them . I found it was impossible to find love in this world because everyone was seeking love. One day a sister from the church called me one day and said she would like to bring me to a small church , that is called Bethesda Community Hongkong Church . There were only around 120 members there . When I was there the pastor laid his hands and prayed for me . He told me a lot of my secret which I have never told others. I was so surprised with his prayer and asked how come he knew my secret . He said it was Lord Jesus told him. From that time I know Jesus can speak to us , wow , that is a new discovery .

The pastor invited me to attend his cell group in his house. When I sat there I felt so comfortable and a kind of peace I have never experienced. It seemed I could cast all my cares and burden away for a little while and just rested there . I began attending his group . They taught me a lot of things, like I should not practice martial arts and Chinese Qigong. I thought they must be wrong because in China so many people have been doing this . They must have some misunderstanding with this, I told myself.

Then I was told there would be a pastor from Argentina coming to Hongkong . He will have 7 nights of crusade in Hongkong . It was said this pastor can perform signs and wonders. I thought , this pastor must be able to give me something. So I challenged Jesus that if You were God, please show me something in this crusade.

For the first night of crusade , I waited in line for this pastor’s prayer. After his prayer , I felt very uncomfortable and would like to vomit . I got nothing for the first night. Then second night I told the Lord if you didn’t bless me , I wont leave this place tonight. That night the Lord deeply touched my heart. As this pastor prayed for me , he laid his hands on me, I fell down on ground and although I closed my eyes, I saw the heaven was open and a lot of golden light or water flowing into my body like an ocean . I sensed the Lord’s love at that time. For the first time I knew God loved me so much . His love is real, our abba Father is real . From that night, my life changed . Following that night , the pastor told us that if we didn’t forgive others, the Lord wont forgive us. He leaded us in a prayer : saying, Father, I forgive you, mother I forgive you . As I repeated what he said. Suddently I cried aloud like never before. Several brothers ran out and brought me to a special room for further prayer. The heart of healing continued for a long time. When the preacher mentioned earthly father I will cry for a long time . Praise the Lord, now I have forgiven my father . In fact my healing lasts for many years ….

After this crusade, my life changed, praise the Lord. I began feeling Abba Father's love . Abba Father's love is so real. Each morning when I woke up, I sensed He sat next to me . It seemed I could touch His presence. He loved me so much and always answered my prayer each day . I knew the martial arts and Chinese Qigong were wrong and I got rid of anything concerning them . I even threw away all pornography and any cassette . I was so content with Abba Father's love each day, so enjoyed his presence each day . It seems Abba Father went to any place I went, together with me . I began getting up at 3:30 in the morning and read His words. Wow , I loved His words so much . It was not more boring. I read a lot of chapters each day . His words were so sweet , like honey . When I read His words, my liver will be very warm ( I have got hepatitis B ) and seems there is a like of water flowing to my liver and brought healing to it .

Every day I enjoyed Abba Father’s love and He spoke to me while I was in prayer. He showed me a picture that a child was on top of a mountain and saw the sunrise. Besides him there was an adult . The adult was embracing the child and saw the sunrise together. I asked Father the meaning and He gave me this verse : PR 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day……….. ( To be continued )