A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother PR 18:24

Friday, August 19, 2005

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." JER 1:5
After I became a christian, for the first one or two years , my relationship with the Lord was good, but after this intimacy period , my life had got a lot of difficulty again. Sometimes from the church, sometimes from the job and sometimes from my family . Besides, I felt very lonely . The church I attended showed little concern to each other and it seems all of them were always very busy , besides, I had left those friends before I got saved . One everning after the job , I was on the way to my cell group located in Wanchai , that day something happened in my office and besides that I felt very tired. I was in a bad mood , felt life was full of challenge and I began thinking I should not come to this world, it must be by mistake I came to this world. Suddenly when I was having a lot of negative thoughts, the Lord spoke to me when I was walking in the street. The Lord spoke above verse to me and I was very surprised because for the first time I know the Lord created me with a special purpose. Before He created me in my mother's womb , he has known there will be this person and He had got a big picture for me in my life. Praise the Lord, from that time, I didn't think I should not come to this world, and I began anticipating the Lord's will and His plan fullfilled in my life . Brothers and Sisters, you are created for some special purpose, you are not by mistake to come to this world . He has got a good plan for you, plan to proper you , not to harm you,plan to give you hope and a future. You need to seek Him and trust in Him . He will put a lot of beautiful colour in your life's picture for He is a good God. He has got a lot of good things in store for you, you need to seek Him , seek Him ..... and trust in Him , walk with Him. He will reveal His plans to you........

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

He brought me out into a spacious place, He rescued me because He delighted in me.2SA 22:20
All glory to Jesus, I have been suffering from hepatitis B for many years . nearly ten years ago I went to hospital and the doctor told me my liver condtion was not good . The ALT and AST were very high and I needed to live in hospital . From that time , I lived in hospital from time to time due to the liver problem. I began seeking the medical treatment .It caused me a lot of money . I went back to China and received some special treatment. The treatments were especial expensive . But the result was nearly zero, not only the result was nearly zero, but also my body were very weak due to the medicine . Later I came to know Jesus and when I read His words or during intimacy time wtih Him, my liver will be very warm . It seems like a kind of warm water covering my liver and I feel so comfortable. All Glory to Jesus , He is so real , from the day I gave my heart to Jesus until now , seven years , my liver is normal and I don't need to go to live in hospital again. Jesus is real, and His healing is real too . So wonderful , Yesterday He heals, today He heals, tomorrow He also heals too. By His stripes we are healed (Isiah 53:3) Want to receive the healing, call upon the name of Jesus and you will be healed. Besides, you need to believe it : )